BASH Mischief
funny unix pranks

All programs are programmed for UNIX-based operating systems in the BASH command shell language.

Program Size Platform Description
GnomePower 383 bytes Solaris GnomePower is a BASH script that acts as a mail bomber. It will send the user multiple mails depending on how many you specify. It will not work in Red Hat Linux because the mail program only views the titles of twenty messages at a time. However, on Solaris you can view an infinite number of messages simultaneoulsy.
LaserCannon 407 bytes Solaris, Red Hat LaserCannon is a cool program that will create two files that constantly build upon eachother. Once their file sizes become about 40 and 25 megabytes each and then the larger one will be mailed to the user specified. If the mail is read, the computer will lag them for the period of time that it takes to view about 40 gigabytes. Afterwards, the two files are removed.
RadioJammer 411 bytes Solaris, Red Hat RadioJammer is a script that works only if your opponent in logged in with their messages on. It builds up two files that become about 21 and 13 megabytes. The 21 megabyte file is mailed too the victim, and causes major lag, even with fast computers. Note: The message contained in the write is "HAHAHA" repeatedly. This program is in effect the "write" counterpart of LaserCannon. You will need to type "source radiojammer" to make it so that you will not be susceptible to the same fate once this program has been completed.
TrapCard 514 bytes Solaris, Red Hat TrapCard is a program left running once you log off that automatically lags someone with a bunch of "HAHAHA"s when they log in, preventing them from doing any work. You must type in "source endtrap" to end this program. To run it, merely type in the "trapcard [victim]" and after a few seconds press CTRL+S fo freeze the window. You will not be able to do anything else at that terminal that you work on, so you will need to go to a new window if you want to end the program. This program will only work if the user does not automatically have "mesg n" in their .bashrc or .cshrc file. WARNING: This program will effectively make the user unable to log in until you close it yourself. You can get in serious trouble with the system administrator. Note: You will need to remove BuildOne and BuildTwo once the program has ended.
WaveFront 262 bytes Solaris, Red Hat WaveFront is a nice little script that cannot be stopped by CTRL+C. It will send short little "write" messages stating "HAHAHA" repeatedly to the user, and because they are many individual messages they will not be stopped by CTRL+C. The victim would have to type "mesg n" and ENTER while the program is being run on them to stop it. The command itself would be fragmented so there is a chance that they would not realize that they can still type if they are interrupted in the middle with something that is purely output. The victim must have their messages enabled for this program to work. To stop the program you will need to type in a CTRL+C on YOUR terminal.

All programs were created and displayed for educational purposes only. The owner of this web page is not responsible for any misuse of these programs. By downloading any of the above programs, you agree the owner of this web page will not be in any way responsible for the harm that you may inflict upon others by running them.

More programs to come, once I make them!